Three Tips To Overcoming The Fear Of Towing An RV

Don’t let the fear of towing stop you from enjoying the RV experience. Every year over one million RV’s take to the road. Towing an RV is doable! Here are three tips for overcoming your fear of towing an RV. 

Step One: Get in the right headspace

RV towing can be intimidating. However, it’s not only for people with specialized skills. Like we said before, over one million RV’s take to the road every year. Towing is just a skill you need to learn, and in no time you’ll be comfortable towing on your own. 

Step Two: Start your training

There are plenty of resources available to get you started. A great resource is looking up “How to tow a travel trailer” on Youtube. It’s important to learn the components of a hitch and the principles of towing before you hit the road. Learn things like, how far to pull out before pivoting so you don’t jump the curb when pulling out of a gas station. By researching ahead of time you’ll calm nerves and have a better idea of what you’re doing.

Step Three: Be prepared

When you’re ready to hit the road, make sure you are prepared. It’s important to get a reputable RV dealer that will make sure your RV and tow vehicle are a good match. A reputable RV dealer will also make sure your hitch is properly installed. This ensures your safety and that your towing experience will run smoothly.

To learn more about overcoming the fear of towing and RV, make sure to watch this video from Janine Pettit:

Janine is the founder of Girl Camper and Camper-in-Chief of Girl Camper magazine. She has been training both experienced and novice campers for years with a focus on inviting more women into the wonderful world of camping and RVing. For more tips on RVing, check out Go RVing on Youtube. 

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